Thursday, November 4, 2010

Embrace the Camera: Nov. 4th

At first glance it looks as though she’s sharing her pudding…that’s not exactly the case. I asked her if I can have a taste of her chocolate pudding, and though I did get one nice spoon full…I also received chocolate pudding smeared all over my face. The look of surprise on my face made her laugh...what a clown.
Side note: My husband feels I never give him enough photo credit in these posts, and I do have to admit that he photographs 50% of the shots I blog. He has really developed an eye for photography…but then I would have to take credit for that. So wouldn’t you call it even? Haha, kidding…my husband took the images above. Great Job!


  1. Great photos!!!! I wish my husband took photos like this... I am lucky if he gets us in the shot :)
    These are adorable!

  2. Super cute! Love that she's willing to share:)

  3. Haha, you can tell she thinks it's hilarious!! And ya, I wish my husband took photos like this too... He totally doesn't have "the eye" lol =)

  4. so adorable! And Ragedy Ann - forget it! Precious!

  5. I love it!! Clowing around is the best! And she has beautiful dimples!

  6. Love, Love, Love it! Glad I wasn't the only one today...but sorry you went through it too! Here's to a great Friday and beautiful weekend! :)

  7. How sweet!! The things parents do to make their kids smile! Makes me appreciate my Mom that much more!

  8. So cute! I love when you're able to catch silly/fun moments like that on film (

  9. This is SO precious!!!!!! Oh, what an adorable girl!

  10. Great pics! Your husband did a fantastic job.

  11. It doesn't take much to get those little faces smiling does it!?
