Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Dec. 9th
When my husband came home one day ready to sell me the idea of getting an Ipad, I'll have to admit that I wasn't thrilled with the idea. I had never been an Apple fan, and we surely didn't need another computer in the house. Yet, he was getting a great deal through a friend and he couldn't pass it up. The day he came home with the package he sat down and began downloading apps to show me how we can all benefit from the Ipad. He downloaded a library of e-books for me, connected us to Netflix, and downloaded many educational tools for Lily.

Lily was 14 months old when my husband sat down and went through one educational tool to another. He taught her how to point at animals to hear their sounds, and she quickly caught on. I thought it was the cutest thing...
By 18 months, Lily maneuvered her way through the Ipad like a pro. She would turn it on, sit down, and then scroll down until she found an educational app she wanted to use. She knew all the sounds of transportation (choo-choo), sounds of animals (moo), the alphabet, and many words.
Now, at 22 months...I take joy in watching her learn more and more every day.
Now, at 22 months...I take joy in watching her learn more and more every day.
She's great at spelling puzzles...
She can identify letters (even though she's bossy about it, ha!)...
She loves all sorts of puzzles, and is darn good at them. (excuse the bad lighting here)
We spend lots of time together learning, so I can't give the Ipad all the credit. I still love the traditional reading a book before bedtime, coloring books, chalkboards, board puzzles, and playing pretend. Nothing can replace those things. Yet, the Ipad does help from having to clean up after her a lot more. ;)
This was Embrace the Camera Vintage Style...
dedicated to Lily's Godmother Lisa (who loves to see what Lily is learning)
and a huge thanks to my great husband!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Dec. 2th
The Ipad has become a hot commodity in my home, and I usually find myself compromising with a toddler for usage time. I allow her to watch an episode of whatever she fancies on Netflix, usually it’s her favorite Veggie Tales episode, Sesame Street, or YoGabbaGabba. Last night YoGabbaGabba won out, and as usual…we sat down and watched it together before turning in for the night.
First, a 'cheese' for dad (thanks for the awesome pics). See, I give credit where credit is due. :)
Singing along.
The Super Hero episode
It’s not so often that we use the Ipad to stream movies or TV shows though, this just happened to be the night that we did. On an average day Lily uses the Ipad for all the educational apps; they are amazing. She is learning all her colors, numbers, letters, shapes, animals, ect…and has mastered all the puzzles I have challenged her with. Okay, I’m beginning to sound like a commercial now. But seriously, I love this Ipad…and it deserves its own post later. ;)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Nov. 4th
At first glance it looks as though she’s sharing her pudding…that’s not exactly the case. I asked her if I can have a taste of her chocolate pudding, and though I did get one nice spoon full…I also received chocolate pudding smeared all over my face. The look of surprise on my face made her laugh...what a clown.
Side note: My husband feels I never give him enough photo credit in these posts, and I do have to admit that he photographs 50% of the shots I blog. He has really developed an eye for photography…but then I would have to take credit for that. So wouldn’t you call it even? Haha, kidding…my husband took the images above. Great Job!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Raggedy Ann, Halloween 2010
She was a hit at the Costume Party, and managed to make everyone smile all day Sunday. Halloween measured up to be as great as I anticipated. Oh, but I am so looking forward to Christmas. Bring on the the TV classics, Christmas carols, and gifts!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Oct. 28th
For the last couple of weeks our nightly ritual has evolved into reading a few books, jumping on the bed together (yes, she demands I jump too), singing to 'Ring Around the Rosie', and watching one sing along...this day it was 'The Wonder Pets'. Who knew that an hour or two before bedtime would tire me out more than eight hours of work. By the time we are done we're both out within five minutes!
Who needs to go to the gym when you jump, run, and lift 35 pounds every night?
I didn't capture her dancing sessions this night...but I did capture my workout, her love for sing along songs, and a failed attempt at Embrace the Camera.

Who needs to go to the gym when you jump, run, and lift 35 pounds every night?
I didn't capture her dancing sessions this night...but I did capture my workout, her love for sing along songs, and a failed attempt at Embrace the Camera.
She was eager to get back to jumping on the bed...and continue my workout.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Oct. 21st
A few weeks ago we attended the USC vs. Washington game, and if my memory serves me right...this was Lily's first trip on campus. I was due to post these images last week for Embrace the Camera Thursday, but I figure now is just as good a time as any.

Sizing up the crowd at the tailgate
Game face and a full belly
'Let's do this...FIGHT ON!'
Happy Dance
'Are those Washington fans I see on my campus?'
Listening to the USC band play our fight song...
Scared of the noise...or was it the cheering drunks?
Holding on for dear life
My favorite Embrace the Camera moment
She was pretty much done with the whole tailgate experience by this point, but I'm sure she'll change her mind in a few years. If it wasn't for this project I probably would have hogged the camera and come out of this experience without a single image of Lily and I. The thought of that is sad on many levels, but mostly because attending this school had always been a dream of mine...and now I get to share it with my daughter. That fact blows my, does. If you would have told me a few years ago that I would be standing on the very spot I used to study under a tree and hold a daughter...well, I just can't fathom it. Life is great that way.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Oct. 7th
I have decided to change it up this week, and embrace the camera with my husband. They may not be looking directly into the camera, but I love this image all the same. This is who they buds. They were waiting for Lily's turn to ride the pony at the county fair, this would be her very first time.

Watching the horses
The little girl in front of her mimics the goat and instantly becomes Lily's idol. She was seriously impressed...look at that face. ha!
There is no other way to end a day at the county fair but with a mug shot. Sure, the purpose was lost when she insisted on showing her hands...but this is the best out of 10. I say it's still pretty darn good!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Sept. 23rd
I was one of the last participants to post last Thursday, and it seems I'll be one of the last to post once again. It's been one long, tiring, and interesting day. In short, I lost my keys...arrived to work 30 minutes late...and things began to pile on through the day. Yet, by the time I made it home my keys were found in Lily's jewelry box, and all was good with the world.

Cruising on Lily's tricycle while she rides the handle bars. Sweet!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Embrace the Camera: Sept. 16th
Lily is 20 months today, and on this day I have decided to join the Embrace the Camera project. This is a great opportunity to get myself in front of the camera once a week, and create images Lily will be able to cherish for years to come.

This is my first attempt...
5 seconds before she wiggled out of reach...I never did get to plant that kiss.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Bedhead Weekends
As the weekend winds down, and the work week closes thoughts linger to moments I will miss first thing Monday morning.
I kiss her softly as she sleeps every morning, and I sneak away three hours before she wakes. Witnessing this beautiful display of bedhead in action is what I look forward to Monday through Friday.
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