Though we have been experiencing a heat wave the last few weeks, the weekends spent at the beach have been so much fun. Usually we just hop in the car and drive down the coast with no plans to stop besides getting a good bite to eat. Yet, this day Lily kept calling for Nemo, Ponyo, and every water character she has seen in movies. So despite the fact that she didn't have a bathing suit and we walked down the sand fully clothed and in shoes...we had a great time.
The water was beautiful, and she kept her eyes on the seagulls with such delight.
She walked the beach feeling the sand between her toes...
and when she finally reached the water she hesitated. She stared out for such a long time, just taking it all in. Then she began calling the water towards her, feeling a little brave she walked step by step a little closer to the shore.
Before she knew it, the water had reached her feet and nearly knocked her over. Her dad was there to hold her hand through it, but she soon decided she would rather sit it out.
She looked pretty content just sitting there until...
She began throwing sand all over herself.
Over and over she kept this up, then I realized I would have to figure out how I was going to get rid of it all. I took her by the car and changed her completely (luckily we carry extra clothes), but she had sand everywhere. By the time I managed to remove most of the sand, we were ready for a treat.
We stopped by our favorite spot...Yogurt Island!
Lily ate one spoonful of yogurt after another...and with every spoonful came a smile from ear to ear.
At the speed this little one ate her yogurt, she exhausted herself.
Then came the sugar high!
Lily was out before the car left the parking lot, and she proceeded to sleep a full 3 hours thereafter. Which meant we had a chance to sit and relax after a great day. What a sweet summer!